
Raftelis Reporting
Version 2024.9.5.1

Release Log

  • 1.2024.9.5
    Added utilization reports to Groups and Teams
    Added realized billings to employees billings report
  • 1.2024.8.22
    Added financial YTD project contribution report
  • 1.2024.8.21
    Improved financial project contribution report
    Manager can view financial reports
  • 1.2024.8.19
    Improved financial project contribution report
  • 1.2024.8.1
    Improved financial project contribution and teams bd/p reports
  • 1.2024.7.18
    Added financial project contribution report
  • 1.2024.3.19
    Fixed weekly plan numbers for staff plan, forecast, actual report
  • 1.2024.3.15
    Add E projects to sold work
    Add rates to users to improve realization metrics
  • 1.2024.1.24
    Update utilization challenge payout rate
  • 1.2023.8.18
    Correct financial realization reports, add ability to manage employee standard rates
  • 1.2023.8.9
    Adjust reporting portal so that sold work statistics start at business plan year start
  • 1.2023.6.21
    Adjust reporting portal so that YTD personnel statistics start at business plan year start
  • 1.2023.6.1
    Add Teams BD/P hours report
  • 1.2023.5.5
    Remove admin team from business plan reports
  • 1.2023.4.20
    Added Teams Projects by PM report
  • 1.2023.1.24
    Charlotte and Cincinnati teams combined for projects in forecast
  • 1.2023.1.6
    Add target billable hours to forecast and portal, update group business plan and plan vs actual report to allow inactive employees
  • 1.2022.12.15
    Add 2023 plan information, update groups
  • 1.2022.12.14
    Add group plan vs actual report
  • 1.2022.11.23
    Add won/won not booked R projects to monthly forecast, add lump sum profit metric reports and to project portal, add ellio reports tab
  • 1.2022.10.3
    Add staff summary report
  • 1.2022.8.23
    Add overbudget / held time reports
  • 1.2022.8.11
    Move to cloud hosting, add West team
  • 1.2022.7.27
    Move to cloud database
  • 1.2022.7.12
    Correction to % held time/write off
  • 1.2022.6.2
    Added over budget total and % held time/write off
  • 1.2022.4.14
    Added full timers not taking PTO to staff PTO report
  • 1.2022.4.8
    Added teams sharing report
  • 1.2022.3.28
    Added groups reports
  • 1.2022.2.17
    Added big bucket to executive report
  • 1.2022.2.11
    Changed sold work input maximum and reporting outputs
  • 1.2022.1.18
    Added Growth to plan
  • 1.2021.12.13
    Fixes to reports by Office
  • 1.2021.11.24
    Improvements to Backlog by Office report
  • 1.2021.11.12
    Initial Ourvana implementation for Search team
  • 1.2021.11.1
    Added technology team
  • 1.2021.10.28
    Fix sold work lead number in October on portal
  • 1.2021.10.27
    Fix numerous reports to sort by date
  • 1.2021.9.15
    Modified sold work and business plan reports to allow user specified dates
  • 1.2021.9.2
    Initial prototype of Ourvana for Search team
    Fixed issue with sold work by team by month report
  • 1.2021.6.15
    Added won not booked report to sold work reports
  • 1.2021.3.29
    Added count of allocated projects to sold work by employees report
  • 1.2021.3.22
    Added Calendar Year options to sold work reports
  • 1.2021.2.15
    Adding users now adds them to the plan for the current year with no hours
    Administrators can now revoke access to the tool
  • 1.2021.2.1
    Added number of project wins to sold work by team and by employee reports
    Added plan numbers to Staff Plan, Forecast, Actuals report
  • 1.2021.1.6
    Added project names to various reports
    Fixes to reports not working in early january
  • 1.2020.12.21
    Updated Office, Plan, Actual report to account for holidays
  • 1.2020.12.1
    Added sold allocated target to PM metrics
    Added administrative tool to manage users
  • 1.2020.11.20
    Added ability to edit sold work for prior year through the end of the calendar year
  • 1.2020.11.10
    Added ability to look at prior period sold work via reports
  • 1.2020.10.27
    Added PM, Team, Office to export of projects from portal page
    Updated sold work by day report to use approved date for tracking
  • 1.2020.9.10
    Improved export of projects from portal page
  • 1.2020.9.4
    Added MA fields and accounting support checkbox to project portal
  • 1.2020.8.5
    Using a new column for dates on sold work page
  • 1.2020.7.13
    Added Non-Zero team to forecast page so that PMs can see all staff forecasted on their projects
  • 1.2020.7.7
    Added Sold Work report to Employee tab
  • 1.2020.7.6
    Fixed a bug with totals on forecast page for certain staff
  • 1.2020.6.26
    Added project review date to PM Portal for projects
  • 1.2020.6.19
    Added total bookings and debookings to sold work screen
    Added percent of plan and percent of month to sold work by month report
    Added percent of aged AR to AR by office report
  • 1.2020.6.5
    Modified PM portal to include PM, Team, Office when showing all projects
    Added export to Excel for PM portal projects and reports datatable
    All users can see personnel section on PM portal
  • 1.2020.5.29
    Modified PM portal to include input for project reviews
    Total AR numbers use LedgerAR table
  • 1.2020.5.20
    Modified project data on PM portal to facilitate project reviews
  • 1.2020.5.19
    Fixes to projects and opportunities to align with VantagePoint upgrade
  • 1.2020.5.15
    Updated look of home screen
    Added realization to projects on PM portal
    Added 90 and 120 day AR to projects on PM portal and financial reports
  • 1.2020.5.8
    Added sold work by day report
    Add booking date to sold work screen
  • 1.2020.4.30
    YTD Realization reports added to Financial reports tab
    Bug fix to bolding of total percentages on reports
  • 1.2020.4.24
    Bug fix to CSS that would cause content to scroll under header
  • 1.2020.4.23
    Changed utilization calculation for part-time staff
    Added FTEs to daily R hours teams and staff reports
    Managers can now view only their projects on the project reports
    Net income for executive dashboard now reflects income statement data from Deltek
  • 1.2020.4.21
    Fixed a bug with managers not being able to run project reports
    Added billable hours to staff utilization report
  • 1.2020.4.17
    Reordered tooltips on report charts for clarity
    Added percentage to plan to daily R hours reports
    Fixed rendering of dates on daily R hours reports
    Fixed avg r hours calculations for current month on daily R hours reports
  • 1.2020.4.16
    Permitted managers to view project reports
    Added avg r hours to daily R hours reports
    Added significant digits to report chart tooltips
  • 1.2020.4.15
    Removed admin team hours from Executive dashboard and Office Plan Forecast Actual forecast report
    Added totals to daily R hours reports
  • 1.2020.4.14
    Fixed a cookie bug related to Azure Active Directory authentication
    Added plan line to daily R hours reports
  • 1.2020.4.9
    Shifted to Azure Active Directory authentication
    Fixed permission access to some reporting screens
  • 1.2020.4.3
    Corrected AR calculations
    Added payment amounts to projects on PM portal
    Added financial reports: income statement and Backlog by PM
  • 1.2020.4.1
    Created Financial reports tab, added backlog and AR reports
  • 1.2020.3.30
    Improved Teams reports: added charting, date ranges, additional reports
  • 1.2020.3.23
    Added Teams Backlog report
    Changed project invoice, effort, and tech charges data sources from Deltek
  • 1.2020.3.20
    Added Staff Daily R Hours report
  • 1.2020.2.14
    Added UT Challenge report
    All staff can now view Employee reports for themselves
    Minor wording clarifications on reporting screens
  • 1.2020.2.13
    Added custom initials and sort by project name to forecast
  • 1.2019.12.20
    Updated Business Plan reports to support multiple years of plan data in the db
  • 1.2019.12.9
    Added YTD Projects Teams report
  • 1.2019.12.6
    Bug fixes to export forecast table to Excel
  • 1.2019.12.3
    Added ability to export forecast table to Excel
  • 1.2019.11.27
    Added Staff R Projects report
    Added ability to order employees on forecast page
  • 1.2019.11.1
    Minor bugfix to sold work by month report when no sold work targets are set
  • 1.2019.10.21
    Minor bugfix to effort column of PM Portal project summary
    Add additional 12 months of history for forecast reports
  • 1.2019.10.15
    Minor bugfix
  • 1.2019.10.2
    Forecast hours from projects that are deactivated are now removed each time the forecast page is filtered
    Added alternating shading
  • 1.2019.9.23
    Added additional months to forecast reports
    Sorted sold work by month report by month
  • 1.2019.9.18
    Added Staff Matrix forecast report
    Modified sold work reports to run for the period 10/1 - 9/30
  • 1.2019.7.23
    Add option to forecast to see all projects from the selected team
  • 1.2019.7.18
    Higlight rows on forecast screen on mouseover
    Fix bug where actual UT wouldn't show on pm portal
    Fix pulling names of projects on all pages
  • 1.2019.7.8
    Fixed a bug with employee portal for staff with no supervisor
  • 1.2019.7.2
    Added Pipeline plan, forecast, actual report
    Separated Communications team for reporting
  • 1.2019.6.12
    Fixed portal personnel section to show all staff rolling up through the selected user
  • 1.2019.6.6
    Office leads can now select any project manager portal
    Fixed a bug in calculating expenses and unbilled amounts on PM portal
  • 1.2019.5.20
    Added Staff P Projects report
  • 1.2019.5.15
    Freeze column headers for most tables
    Formatting and data changes to portal and executive reports
  • 1.2019.5.9
    Bug fix to staff report chart not displaying
  • 1.2019.5.8
    Bug fix to report tabs not showing
  • 1.2019.4.26
    Corrections to the PM portal tech charges, effort, and AR columns
    Added analytics reporting
  • 1.2019.4.24
    Modified portal to add personnel UT targets and totals
    Added executive dashboard
  • 1.2019.4.17
    Modified portal to add consultant, pm, and bd metrics
  • 1.2019.4.1
    Business plan hours accrue through the end of the prior month
    Fixed standard hours in portal for new hires
  • 1.2019.3.18
    Office plan, forecast, actual report now includes inactive employees
  • 1.2019.2.20
    All reports except business plan reports now reflect timesheet hours rather than posted hours
  • 1.2019.2.17
    Added a timesheet review report to the forecast reports
  • 1.2019.2.7
    Fixed a bug where the sold work by office by month report wouldn't run
  • 1.2019.1.29
    Fixed an inconsistency with Employee reports when comparing to all staff reports
  • 1.2019.1.28
    Forecast reports now reflect timesheet hours rather than posted hours
  • 1.2019.1.22
    Added holiday line to forecast page
  • 1.2019.1.18
    PM Portal adjusted to remove P projects
    PM Portal adjusted to include fields from backlog report
    PM Portal adjusted to include staff data fields for standard hours, total hours, billable hours, utilization caluclation updated to reflect only posted hours
    Sold work and business plan reports split into separate tabs
  • 1.2019.1.14
    Added sold work by team by month report
    Fixed a bug where some actual hours references did not align between reports
  • 1.2019.1.9
    Updated sold work reports to include allocations and allocation targets
  • 1.2018.12.11
    Updated business plan reports to include actual hours to date rather than up to prior month end
  • 1.2018.9.26
    Added usage analytics
  • 1.2018.9.14
    Added three period forecasting report
  • 1.2018.9.7
    Added initial implementation of Sold Work and associated reports
  • 1.2018.6.12
    Changed Team Forecast to Actual report to Office Plan, Forecast, Actual report
  • 1.2018.6.7
    Added business plan hours Management reports
  • 1.2018.5.11
    Add the ability to find a project's manager
  • 1.2018.5.4
    Add staff dollar weighted utilization report
  • 1.2018.5.1
    Add staff report to show Weekend Hours
  • 1.2018.4.30
    Modified forecast highlighting to prevent row dimension changes
    Pressing the enter key on the forecast page now moves down one cell
  • 1.2018.4.2
    Add color coding capabilities to forecast data entry screen
  • 1.2018.3.16
    Add O-Survey line to forecast
    Add percent realized column to Group Forecast to Actual report
    Add percent of R target column to Team Summary Forecast report
  • 1.2018.1.22
    Add Staff Forecast to Actual report
  • 1.2017.12.15
    Add admin charges to PM portal
    Highlight row and column in forecast table where mouse is located
    Added additional metrics to team summary forecast report
    Added about page with changelog
    Fixed a bug in actual hours reporting in forecast to actual report
    Projects reports available to manager and above
    Supervisor roll up on PM portal now goes one level below
  • 1.2017.12.1
    Implemented teams reports
    Added P projects to PM portal, hours to each project
    Added hours recorded report to projects reports
  • 1.2017.11.17
    Forecast table headers are now initials with full name tooltip
    Fixed monthly forecast dates
    Filter PM portal by PM for Executives
    Implemented staff reports
    Implemented projects reports
    Implemented employee reports
    Staff and employee reports available to manager and above
  • 1.2017.11.10
    Spiffed up home page design
    Improve project names
    Added forecast reports: team summary, forecast to actual
    Added invoices, payments, and AR to PM portal for projects
  • 1.2017.11.3
    Added PM Portal to reports
    Add ability to freeze table headers in forecast table when scrolling down
  • 1.2017.10.31
    Initial release